
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!!

I don't know about you but I've had my fill of all this rain,please turn off the tap now! LOL

The chickens don't seem to mind....lots of worms!!

 The old bunkhouse looks pretty soggy.
 This usually floods in the spring....It has never flooded in the fall and I don't think I have seen it this high before.This is on the way to the back field looking back.
 My barn is getting wet!! LOL Geof just brought these logs out the other day.
 What is normally a babbling brook.LOL This is at the end of our driveway.
 For the next 6 months' we are actually visible from the road.


  1. Those are really good pictures Val.You should put them on CFF.

    Mom xxxx

  2. Love the site Val and the pictures!


  3. I am so sick of this rain. The chicks need to move into a coop but Leon still hasn't built it because of the rain. There is 2 feet of water in the post holes. The ducks love it though.

  4. I know what you mean,we have some moving around to do as well and it's so mucky,I don't know when we'll be able to do it.We still have a few logs to bring out but it's impossible right now.I bet the ducks are having a grand time! LOL
