
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fruit Tree Planting

We placed another order for trees from C&O Nursery,101 of which 80 are peach,that will bring it up to 224 trees in total!Two new varieties of peaches,Redstar and Coralstar,the other 21 trees are plums and cherries.
Here is a video of last years planting.


  1. That's a lot of trees. How far apart do you plant them? What's your soil like?

    We're still trying to figure out an order. What's the shipping like?

    So many questions!

  2. For the peach,cherry,and plums they are 10 feet apart,it depends on what you are high density.The soil is a good mix of loom,a bit of clay/gravel.The most important thing they said was not to plant them where water lays.The shipping for ours was a dollar a tree plus tax,which was paid to Scotian Gold.....I don't know if it varies from the amount you order. C&O called us when the trees were being shipped,very nice people to deal with and their trees are pretty hardy.
    We had lots of questions too......we were lucky enough to have a friend that we could ask....he has 60 acres of orchard!!! I can't imagine!!
