
Thursday, May 26, 2011


It's sunny and warm to boot!! There has been an explosion of blossoms in the strawberry field and a great spurt of growth in the greenhouse,we so need the sun.

Chestnut Tree is starting to bloom.

 I love watching the birds and taking pictures of them as well,this is a purple finch.......even though he is red.
 I admire this little bird.
 I thought this was pretty.
 They grew....overnight!! LOL
 Green beans,we took the row cover off  and they are looking pretty good.
 Looking to the West from the upper field.This was going to be pasture......some of it but now Geof says he is going to switch with me.....pasture goes to the bottom where the peas,beans,etc is and he's going to use the upper field...........oh really?? LOL I'm actually pretty happy about it.
 Looking to North
 To the East

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Some of the orchards around the Valley are full of blossoms,hopefully if the sun ever comes out I'll be able to get some pictures.In the meantime I have one picture I want to share.It's of a peach blossom from our very own trees,they are so pretty.I missed the nectarines.

Monday, May 23, 2011


We are just waiting for the weather to the mean time,Geof is doing some ploughing.......still waiting for the new ploughshare to in desperation,he put an old share on.We planted our trees,all 21 of them......oh well,at least we have those.

Nice root base.

 Looks like sticks in the ground.
 Wouldn't a fence post look great in this hole..........
Beans under cover.
 Peas are doing great,they like these cool temps.
 We'll soon have to transfer these to bigger pots.

Strawberry field is looking promising this year.We have some blossoms already.Straw will be going on as soon as it dries up!

This is a new variety for us called Valley Sunset.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rainy Days=Painting

Last week was not a total loss.....not to me anyways.So I just bit the bullet and bought some paint and Geof just got on board.He used to paint professionally when the family was young and the extra cash came in handy.So painting for us wasn't on his list of things to do.We've always kept our colours neutral,especially when we were selling our other home......well we're not selling now, so I want some colour.

Bye,Bye border.....I did like my fiddles but it's time to go:)

 Now really....isn't that looks so blah!
 The woodwork always over powered this room!
 Ohhhhhh,me likeeeee!
 Me likeeeee,a lot!
 Still have some decorating to do.When I had decided to do this room I wanted to paint the woodwork white but once we got started on the walls and seen how nice it looked,I was glad I hadn't.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How many more days of rain and drizzle???????

Pretty soggy out there these days.Can't really do too much.Did manage to get the rest of the crop cover on.When you step on the harrowed land you sink up to your ankles!We've had really wet springs before but this is a little much.
Still waiting for the's been three weeks!I guess Geof doesn't have to worry about it drying out and getting hard.Trees are still in cold storage......100 trees short of what we ordered.They had a winter freeze and it killed all the peach trees.23 plums and cherry trees are there waiting.......for the weather.....quite soft up on the hill as well.
Chicks are doing great,waiting to hear about some I ordered,I was 73rd on the list so I doubt I'll get what I want.
Pansies and marigolds are up in the greenhouse:)

The raccoons are back but we have yet to catch one! Good for trapping chickens though! LOL

 Plum tress are blooming and the row cover is on.
 Peach trees are just about ready to bust open.
 Doing some bird watching on these rainy days.
 Nice in the greenhouse,got the fabric down and it really makes a difference.