
Monday, May 23, 2011


We are just waiting for the weather to the mean time,Geof is doing some ploughing.......still waiting for the new ploughshare to in desperation,he put an old share on.We planted our trees,all 21 of them......oh well,at least we have those.

Nice root base.

 Looks like sticks in the ground.
 Wouldn't a fence post look great in this hole..........
Beans under cover.
 Peas are doing great,they like these cool temps.
 We'll soon have to transfer these to bigger pots.

Strawberry field is looking promising this year.We have some blossoms already.Straw will be going on as soon as it dries up!

This is a new variety for us called Valley Sunset.


  1. Oh my word!! You have a huge garden. This must not be all for you. Do you sell your produce? Where are you in the valley?

  2. LOL Yes we do sell our produce.....have been for 9 years:) We live South of Berwick,in a little community called Windermere.
