
Friday, June 22, 2012


So here it is June and we still have a few things to go in from the greenhouse.There just never seems to be enough hours in a day to get everything done and not run out of steam.With these warmer days it just sucks the good right out of me.Geof has been working off the farm as well for a couple of days so I've had time to catch up on a few things here.
Asparagus is doing great,did some companion planting with them as we lost that space for the next umpteen years! lol Tomatoes and peppers.
Planted corn......never had very good luck with corn but hey,why not try it again.

Strawberry plants look fabulous!! I think we've picked the blossoms off three times already,oh my Lots of runners have started already,they should fill in nicely before fall(did I just say the "F" word!) lol
Getting them in early has certainly worked to our advantage for sure.Now if it would just rain that would help everything!
No meat birds or turkeys this year! Don't miss that BIG HEADACHE!! We have eggs a plenty!! The 45 pullets we got in Feb are all laying!

Asparagus and companion plants.
 My pumpkins.....biggies!!
 One of the trays of watermelon.
 Sugar snap peas:)
 Lots of beans and more to go in!
 Snap pea blossoms
 Next years strawberry field:)
Harold is that you? lol


  1. What did you plant with the asparagus?

  2. Tomatoes and peppers....they are really small in that picture.
