
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wow,here it is December! Spring is just around the corner! lol We had a fairly quiet fall.Didn't get much out of the pumpkin patch due to lack of rain but did manage to get some squash.Pigs are in the freezer,well one is the other went off the farm.The incubator sat idle all summer,I even had it on kijiji for a while.So glad I didn't sell it,found out a couple of neighbours have some new chicks and will be laying soon.We have plans to do a little hatching come spring,some buff and silver lace I think.Our list of egg customers has gone through the roof! We're getting roughly 51/2 dozen a day and most times the fridge is empty,which is a good thing :)

Geofrey and Danika really enjoy the chickens.

Geof has started to cover the strawberries,he does it all by hand and a long handled pitch fork that he crafted himself,he does a great job and they are covered really well which is so important.After all the work you put into them over the summer you don't want to lose them to winter kill.This field is looking like one of our best,keeping our fingers crossed that the strawberry season is a successful one.

Kali is great,getting his winter coat and has won the hearts of everyone in the family.I can't tell you in words how awesome this felt!

His shelter is finished and looking great.Need to finish a couple things come spring but right now it's all he needs to get in out of the elements.