
Saturday, June 29, 2013


Here it is,nearly the end of June and a soggy one at that. I must say it has been an exciting month for us;when grandchildren are born two at a time! Two healthy babies,Nathan and Janelle arrived on June 6th,both weighing over 6 lbs! So happy for our son and his wife......and big sister Danika!

We picked our first berries on the 14th of June!! We have a bumper crop! Just waiting now for this weather to break.The Valley Sunsets are just starting to ripen,so we should have berries for another few weeks :)

Early berry;Kent

Some of these were sold at the Berwick Market,Geof took the rest to Dartmouth.


  1. Wow! Those berries look delish! Congrats on the cute babies!

  2. Thank you,the berries are just about done.We had a very good season :)
