Sunday, March 13, 2011

It was a long winter....

Spring fever...............drives me bananas!Someone has to give here.....this went on and on and on!! I'll make soup out of the pair of them if this keeps up!!


  1. Our two roosters are in cahoots.

  2. I've been leary of roosters my whole life but yours make me think "eh, roosters, sweet!" Nice job :)

  3. Thanks,Ours seem to be really calm with us,you can pick them up and they don't mind.These two are brothers and there was no brotherly love yesterday.LOL

  4. I know they're kind of "fighting" here but I bet they're just stir crazy too! Kind of like my kids. They're good kids, but when they're bored, they bicker.

    Just to have something to do :)
